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So, 2023 is over and 2024 has just begun. It’s the time of year when most people start thinking about what they want to accomplish this year to help themselves become a better person, whether physically, socially, intellectually, or spiritually.

Some set one big resolution, while others prefer multiple smaller ones, and then there are the ambitious go-getters who set several major resolutions.

The trouble is that many of us, myself included, have had years where we set those goals only to give up or forget about them within a few weeks or months. We spend the year doing the same things without making significant changes. The reason for this is often that we’re comfortable with our current situation. Even if we’re not entirely happy, it’s familiar.

So, the question is, how do we make this year different? How do we set resolutions that we can stick with and accomplish? This is a struggle that almost everyone faces.

What if I could show you how to set goals for 2024 that you can not only stick with but also be successful at, helping you become the person you want to be—a little better, happier, or more accomplished in life? Well, I can! That’s not to say it won’t take work and commitment, but it will work if you’re willing to do your part.

Get Something to Record Resolutions with

To make and keep new year resolutions it's important to write them down.

The first thing you have to do is get a pencil and paper or some tool that you can record your goals on. I personally prefer to use the notes app on my phone because papers tend to get lost over time, but if you don’t have this capability then pencil and paper will work fine. The reason I suggest pencil is because I want you to be able to erase and adjust your goals as you are setting them.

This flexibility is crucial as it allows you to refine your intentions and make them more achievable, which is a key factor in successfully making and keeping New Year resolutions. By having a tangible record of your resolutions, you create a sense of commitment and a reference point to track your progress throughout the year.

Choose a Quiet Place to Work

Choosing a quiet place to work is essential when you aim to make and keep New Year resolutions. Trying to write goals while you’re cleaning the house or with screaming kids running around you isn’t conducive to clear thinking.

To effectively contemplate what you want to change or improve upon this year, it’s crucial to have a tranquil environment that makes you feel calm and focused. Whether that means waiting until the kids are at school or in bed, or getting up a little earlier than everyone else, dedicating a serene moment solely for planning your resolutions can significantly enhance your ability to think clearly and set meaningful, achievable goals.

This dedicated time and space will not only help you craft well-thought-out resolutions but also pave the way for a successful year ahead.

Divide Your Resolutions into Four Categories

When it comes to making and keeping New Year resolutions, one effective strategy is to divide your goals into four main categories: Physical, Spiritual, Social, and Intellectual.

By categorizing your resolutions, you can create a balanced and holistic approach to personal growth.

Choose One Goal for Each Area

This might sound like a lot and you might be thinking, “I only want to have one New Year’s resolution, I can’t work on four.” That’s fine, I’m not saying you have to choose to do all four, although I think you would be surprised at what you can accomplish. This is just part of the process so that you can choose a resolution you will be committed to keeping, and it will help you create a clearer picture of what is really important to you.

Make sure when you write your goals down to be specific! Write down exactly what you want to accomplish.

To make and keep new year resolutions it's important to make specific goals.

For example, for your physical goal, instead of a vague goal like “get fit,” you might choose “be able to run a 5K by the end of the year” or “exercise three times a week.” I share more information on how you can improve yourself physically on my website.

For your spiritual goal, you could aim to “read a verse of scripture every day” or “pray twice a day.”

Socially, you might decide to “make a new friend” or “serve another person every week.”

Intellectually, consider goals like “learn a new language” or “read 15 new books this year.”

Depending on where you are in life, tailor these goals to be realistic and achievable, ensuring they align with your personal aspirations and lifestyle. This focused approach can make your New Year’s resolutions more manageable and increase your chances of success.

Choose and Record Your Specific Resolutions

When it comes to making and keeping New Year resolutions, one of the most critical steps is choosing and recording your specific goals.

Now that you have written one goal for each area of your life, it’s time to decide what you really want or need to work on. Are there good goals in every area that you want to pursue, or do you have just one or two priorities that stand out this year because they are the most important to you?

This is a personal decision and will vary for everyone because we are all at different stages in our lives. And that’s okay!

If you find yourself struggling to pinpoint what to focus on, consider seeking spiritual guidance. Praying about your resolutions can provide clarity, as the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. He desires our success and will guide us if we earnestly seek His direction. This approach has been beneficial in my own life, and when my intentions are sincere, I have never been let down.

This method not only helps in making resolutions but also in keeping them throughout the year.

Come Up with a Plan

Now that you have your long-term resolutions for the year, the next crucial step is crafting a detailed plan to achieve them.

Simply jotting down your goals isn’t enough; you need a strategy to make them a reality.

For instance, if one of your physical goals is to run a 5k by the end of the year, think about how you will prepare for it. You could download a running app that provides a daily or weekly running schedule tailored for a 5k, or you might prefer to assess your current fitness level and gradually increase your running distance each week without an app.

The key is to create a specific, actionable plan that outlines what you need to do each day, week, or month. This structured approach helps you stay on track and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed.

Similarly, if you aim to learn a new language, decide whether you’ll take an in-person class, enroll in an online course, or use a language-learning app.

Breaking your goal into manageable steps makes it more achievable and less daunting, ensuring you stay motivated. Remember, the best way to make and keep New Year resolutions is to be precise with both your goals and your plans.

Set Time for Your Goals

Making and keeping New Year resolutions often hinges on our ability to effectively manage and dedicate time to our goals.

One of the most effective strategies is to set aside specific times to work on your resolutions. For instance, if your goal is to run a 5K, it’s crucial to carve out regular intervals in your schedule to train. Without dedicating time, your resolution is likely to fall by the wayside amidst the chaos of daily life. Whether it’s deciding to run immediately after work or waking up an hour earlier to hit the pavement, the key is consistency and commitment.

By creating a structured plan and designating specific times for your activities, you ensure that your resolutions are prioritized and more likely to be achieved. Remember, if it’s important to you, you have to make time for it!

Make Your Resolutions Visible

If you’re serious about sticking to your New Year’s resolutions, it’s crucial that you make them visible. Keeping your goals top of mind can help you stay on track and motivated throughout the year.

Put them somewhere you’ll see them regularly. This could be on a sticky note on your computer monitor, on a vision board in your bedroom, or even as your phone’s lock screen.

The more visible your resolutions are, the more likely you are to remember them and take action towards achieving them. So take the time to make your resolutions visible and increase your chances of success!

Don’t Give Up

The most important thing about making and keeping New Year resolutions is that you don’t give up and quit!

Let’s say you have set your long-term goal, devised a plan to achieve it, and determined when to work on it. But after the first month, you feel stressed and overwhelmed, and life throws you a curve ball that requires you to change something. That’s okay!

You don’t have to completely give up on your resolution; just make adjustments as necessary. Maybe you need to alter when you work on your goal, or how often you dedicate time to it. Write down these adjustments so you can visually see the change and adjust your thinking accordingly.

If you give up, you won’t make any progress toward your goal. However, if you make necessary adjustments and keep pushing forward, you will still be closer to your goal by the end of the year—even if you haven’t fully achieved it.

Progress is always a good thing, so don’t give up just yet. Make the necessary adjustments and keep moving forward. You got this!


Making and keeping New Year resolutions can be a powerful tool in our journey towards self-improvement. By following the steps mentioned above, one can not only make realistic and achievable resolutions but also keep them.

It’s important to remember that progress, not perfection, is what we should strive for. With each passing day, let’s aim to become a better, more balanced, and healthier version of ourselves. So, let’s begin this year with a positive attitude, good goals, and a determination to steadily progress towards success.

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