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Do you feel as though your relationship with God has taken a backseat in your life? Are you caught up in the craziness of day-to-day life so much that you tend to run out of time to make room for God?

I know I’ve had days like this, and if I have too many days in a row like this, then I really start to feel the distance between my Heavenly Father and myself. This is not something I like to feel, and I’m sure you don’t either.

So, how do we build a stronger relationship with God? How do we make sure that we are close to Him on a daily basis?

The key is to make time for Him. Setting aside moments to pray, read scriptures, and worship can strengthen our bond with God every day. You will also notice that as you go throughout your day, He will be at the forefront of your mind more often, guiding you to make choices that are more pleasing to Him.

Make time for God if you want to build a stronger relationship with him

In this blog post, I will share some practical steps to build a stronger relationship with God, helping us see that even in our busy lives, we can make room for Him.

Pray to Him

When we want to build a stronger relationship with anyone, we know the best way to do this is to spend time talking with them. This is no different with God.

He is our Heavenly Father, and He loves us so much that He was willing to send His Son as a sacrifice so that we could be worthy to return to live with Him. Just as it says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

To sacrifice one of your children to save the rest of your children speaks of a love that few, if any of us, can comprehend.

He wants to hear from us; we are His children. Even if He already knows us better than we know ourselves, He still wants us to come to Him. Just as we want our children to come to us, to talk with us about what they need or want, what they are struggling with, etc., He wants us to do the same.

This is how we build a stronger relationship with Him. Tell Him what you are grateful for, what you need, what you are struggling with, and how you are feeling. The more we open our hearts to Him as we talk with Him, the stronger our relationship with Him will become.

Read the Scriptures

Another way to build a stronger relationship with God is to learn of Him, and what better place to do that than in the scriptures?

Reading the scriptures will help us build a stronger relationship with God.

We have so many resources at our fingertips: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, General Conference talks that provide modern-day revelation, and more.

All of these resources teach us more about God’s character and the plan He has for us—why He sent us to Earth and what He wants us to do while we are here. The more we learn about someone, the better we understand them. The same can be said of God.

Elder Robert D. Hales reminds us that, “When we want to speak to God, we pray. And when we want Him to speak to us, we search the scriptures.” By immersing ourselves in these sacred texts, we give God a chance to speak to us, deepening our understanding and strengthening our bond with Him.

Spend Time Worshipping Him

If we want to build a stronger relationship with God, we need to spend time worshipping Him in various meaningful ways. Worship is an essential component of deepening our connection with God, and it can be expressed through multiple avenues.

Attending church services allows us to collectively honor and praise God, creating a communal atmosphere of reverence and support. Listening to music that glorifies God can fill our hearts with joy and reflection, serving as a constant reminder of His presence in our lives. Additionally, visiting the temple, the house of the Lord offers a profound opportunity to serve Him and His children while experiencing a palpable sense of His spirit. In the temple, we can momentarily escape the distractions of the world and immerse ourselves in spiritual tranquility.

Engaging in these worship practices helps us feel the spirit more intensely, ultimately drawing us closer to God and fortifying our relationship with Him.

Serve Others

Serving others is another profound way to build a stronger relationship with God. Just as a parent feels immense joy when their children help and show love towards each other, our Heavenly Father experiences similar joy when He sees us—His children—caring for one another.

We are all brothers and sisters in God’s eyes, and He loves each of us deeply. When we serve others, we become instruments of His love, answering prayers and fulfilling needs.

This act of service not only fills our hearts with the warmth of knowing we’ve made a difference but also brings us closer to God. As Matthew teaches us, the first great commandment is to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. The second is to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Through service, we embody these commandments, nurturing our bond with God and enriching the lives of those around us.

Bear Testimony of Him

When thinking about building a stronger relationship with God, bearing testimony may not be what we initially consider.

However, each time we openly testify of our love and knowledge of Heavenly Father, we invite the spirit into our lives. This presence of the spirit serves as a powerful witness to the truthfulness of our words, reinforcing our faith and deepening our spiritual convictions.

As our testimony strengthens, so does our love for God, creating a profound and intimate connection with Him. By consistently sharing our experiences and affirming our faith, we draw closer to God, feeling His divine presence more vividly in our everyday lives.

Practice Gratitude

I believe that showing gratitude is a powerful way to build a stronger relationship with God.

Think about it: when our own children or other people whom we have served show thanks and appreciation, it makes us feel loved and inspires us to continue helping them. Similarly, expressing our gratitude to God not only strengthens our bond with Him but also shifts our focus towards all the blessings we have, rather than what we lack.

Heavenly Father has blessed us abundantly, and we only need to look around at the beautiful world He created to see this. From the small daily blessings, like safety on the roads or the strength to get through difficult days, to larger miracles that leave us in awe, God’s love and awareness of us are evident.

If we genuinely want to build a stronger relationship with God, practicing gratitude for His countless blessings is essential.

Surround Yourself with Others Who Believe in God

Building a stronger relationship with God is a journey that can be greatly enhanced by surrounding ourselves with others who share our faith.

When we immerse ourselves in the company of fellow believers, they help us remember God’s presence in our lives and remind us of His numerous blessings. Observing how God supports and cares for those around us during their struggles can be a powerful testament to His love and attentiveness.

This awareness reinforces that God listens to our prayers, loves us deeply, and is always aware of our needs. In fact, spending time with those who believe in God not only helps us navigate difficult times but also strengthens our own testimonies and draws us closer to Him.

As Jim Rohn famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Therefore, if our goal is to build a stronger relationship with God, it is essential to surround ourselves with individuals who inspire and support us in that spiritual journey.

For further insights on how surrounding ourselves with believers can help us overcome adversity, check out my blog post, “9 Tips to Overcome Adversity.”


In conclusion, building a stronger relationship with God is a multifaceted journey that requires dedication, faith, and intentional practice.

Through consistent prayer, we open our hearts to divine guidance and deepen our connection with the Almighty. By reading scriptures, we immerse ourselves in His word, gaining wisdom and understanding. Worshipping Him allows us to express our reverence and gratitude, while serving others reflects His love and compassion in our daily actions.

Practicing gratitude helps us recognize and appreciate His blessings, fostering a spirit of thankfulness. Bearing testimony of Him strengthens our faith and inspires others. Lastly, surrounding ourselves with a community of believers provides support, encouragement, and shared growth in our spiritual walk.

By embracing these practices, we can cultivate a profound and enduring relationship with God, rooted in love, trust, and devotion.