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Life can be tough, there’s no denying it. Whether it’s financial stress, health problems, or relationship issues, we all face challenges that can test our faith.

But even in the darkest of times, there is light. By increasing our faith in the Lord, we can find the strength to keep going and the hope to overcome any obstacle.

I know, from personal experience, that the Lord is there waiting for us to turn to him. He never leaves us, but sometimes we pull away from him and think he has abandoned us. He loves us so much and he wants what is best for us, but he’s not going to force himself into our lives. We have to open that door and let him in.

One of my favorite pictures reminds me of this: a depiction of Jesus standing at a door, patiently knocking, waiting for us to invite him into our hearts.

Strengthening your faith in the Lord means actively seeking Him out, trusting in His plan, and finding solace in His everlasting love. By keeping these principles in mind, we can not only endure life’s hardships but thrive despite them.

We can strengthen our faith in the Lord when we let him into our life.

In this post, I’ll share five practical steps you can take to deepen your faith and connect with God in a meaningful way.


One of the most transformative ways to strengthen your faith in the Lord is through daily prayer.

Start talking to the Lord. He longs to hear from us. Yes, He knows us intimately and understands our needs, but that doesn’t diminish the importance of reaching out to Him for help and guidance.

It’s similar to our relationships with our children; we often see their struggles and know the solutions, yet we wait for them to approach us. This allows them to learn and grow. The same principle applies to our relationship with God.

Speak with Him every day, not just in times of hardship. Building a relationship with someone we only contact sporadically is challenging. God is always there, ready to listen. I promise, your faith will grow stronger when you make prayer a daily habit.

You can learn more about how to strengthen your prayers to God in How to Pray Effectively.

Read the Word of God

It is so very important for us to read the words of God.

I’ve heard the saying that if we want to talk to God we pray, and if we want Him to talk to us, we read the scriptures. I can testify that this is true! I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have been struggling or looking for guidance with a question or issue, and when I opened up the scriptures, the answer was there.

There are many ways we can read the word of God. We can find His teachings in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, General Conference talks, and books written by prophets and apostles.

Wherever you are in life and whatever your beliefs, seek the Lord by reading His words. I promise you will draw closer to Him, and your faith will increase.

I strive to read for a little bit every morning before my day starts. The days I start with God are the days that I can deal with life better. That’s not to say everything is easy and goes my way, but I feel Him with me, and I feel strength beyond my own to cope with whatever comes my way.

Focus on reading the word of God, and you will find your faith strengthened in the Lord.

pink pencil on open bible page and pink
Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels.com

Go to Church

One of the most powerful ways to strengthen your faith in the Lord is by attending church regularly. Surrounding yourself with fellow believers can make a significant difference in your spiritual journey.

When you attend church, you are uplifted by the shared faith and experiences of others. Seeing and hearing about how others have overcome their struggles with the help of the Lord can inspire and strengthen your own faith. Regular attendance provides spiritual rejuvenation, equipping you with the hope and strength needed to face the challenges of the upcoming week.

The Lord has called us to gather in His name, and by doing so, we draw closer to Him and reinforce our commitment to our faith.

Act on the Promptings from the Holy Spirit

Acting on the promptings from the Holy Spirit is a powerful way to strengthen your faith in the Lord.

When we follow these divine nudges, our relationship with God grows stronger and our faith deepens. Recognizing that these promptings come from God and obeying them helps us draw closer to Him.

As we actively listen and respond to the Spirit, we can feel God’s presence more tangibly in our lives and are reassured of His unwavering love for us. Each step of obedience not only reinforces our faith but also enhances our ability to trust in God’s perfect plan. Often, these promptings guide us to serve and love others, further deepening our connection with God.

By continually heeding the Holy Spirit, we can nurture our faith and become more like the Savior, embodying His teachings and love in our everyday actions.

Serve Others

One powerful way to strengthen your faith in the Lord is by serving others.

Recognizing the needs of those around us and doing our best to help them not only benefits them but also brings us closer to God. I often tell my kids that when we serve others, we are actually serving the Lord because we are caring for those He loves.

This principle is beautifully illustrated in Mosiah 2:17 from the Book of Mormon: “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”

Similarly, Ephesians 6:7 in the King James Bible reminds us to serve with goodwill, as if we are serving the Lord directly.

By emulating the Lord and following His example of selfless service, we draw nearer to Him and deepen our faith. Through acts of kindness and service, we become more like Him, thereby increasing our faith and strengthening our relationship with God.

man assisting person with walker
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com


Increasing your faith is a journey that requires conscious effort and dedication. Through the five steps of praying, reading scriptures, going to church, following the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and serving others, you can strengthen your relationship with God and deepen your faith.

Remember, faith is a powerful tool that can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals in life. So, take the first step today and commit to growing your faith through these simple yet effective practices. Together with God, you can accomplish anything!

Jesus Christ Knocking on The Door Art-One of my favorite pictures of Christ waiting on us to let him in that I mentioned above.

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