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Parenting is a lifelong commitment that transcends the boundaries of time and space. You never truly stop being a parent, even when your children have left the nest and embarked on their own journeys.

However, those critical 18 years when your child is under your roof are a golden opportunity to impart some of the most valuable life lessons that will shape their character and future.

There are essential teachings that parents should instill in their children before they step out into the world, so they can become positive influencers and contribute meaningfully to society. If we neglect to do our best in this crucial role, the world may teach them to prioritize only themselves, chasing self-interest above all.

To help you navigate this vital aspect of parenting, I’ve compiled a list of 16 essential things that great parents should teach their child before they leave home. These include timeless values such as respect, honesty, manners, responsibility, gratitude, patience, and more. Let’s delve into these indispensable life lessons that will equip your child for a bright and virtuous future.

Raising Good Humans-A really good book for parents to learn how to deal with our own emotions so that instead of always reacting to upsetting situations we can learn to respond thoughtfully. Remember a lot of what our children learn is through our example!


A very important thing that parents should teach their child is to have and show respect to others. Whether it’s their elders or their peers, respect should be modeled and expected from our children. If our children see us disrespecting others—be it the cashier, teacher, or even our spouses—they are likely to adopt that same attitude and behavior.

Therefore, it is crucial for parents to treat their children with respect and, in turn, expect them to treat others respectfully, especially those in positions of authority. This significant life lesson not only fosters a positive environment but also prepares children to navigate social interactions gracefully and thoughtfully throughout their lives. By consistently demonstrating respect in our daily actions, we set a powerful example that our children are bound to follow.

Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids– One of the best books on how to have positive, communication and respect with family.


In today’s fast-paced world, where instant gratification is often the norm, teaching children the value of patience is more crucial than ever. One of the essential life lessons parents should teach their child is to develop patience.

This skill is not just about waiting in line or holding off on immediate desires; it’s about understanding that good things take time and that perseverance often leads to the best outcomes.

For instance, when parents don’t always give their children what they want right when they want it, they help them build resilience and the ability to wait for the right moment.

The alarming reports of customers losing their temper over short delays in service are stark reminders of why patience is a virtue that needs to be instilled early on.

In a world increasingly driven by the need for immediate results, it is vital that parents take the time to teach their children how to wait patiently, thus equipping them with a critical tool for navigating life’s inevitable challenges.


Parents should teach their child to be honest, as honesty is a virtue that will serve them well throughout their lives. By instilling this critical life lesson, children can develop relationships built on trust and integrity.

It’s important to remember that our children are constantly observing us, so we must embody the honesty we wish to see in them. Whether we’re at home or out in the world, demonstrating honesty in our interactions sets a powerful example.

This consistency helps our kids understand that honesty isn’t just a rule to follow but a foundational principle guiding all aspects of life. When parents prioritize honesty, they equip their children with a valuable tool for building meaningful, trustworthy relationships.

Honesty is my Superpower-A good read aloud for children to learn how to be more honest.


A skill that parents should teach their child is how to communicate effectively, as communication can make or break any relationship.

Parent teaching their child communication.

It’s crucial for parents to model and expect clear communication from their children. By consistently communicating clearly with them, parents can demonstrate what good communication looks and sounds like.

Additionally, expecting children to articulate their needs or wants helps them learn to express themselves clearly, rather than relying on parents to guess or interpret their desires.

Allowing children the opportunity to advocate for themselves with others, instead of jumping in to solve every problem, gives them valuable practice in real-world communication.

These life lessons in communication not only strengthen family bonds but also equip children with essential skills for building strong relationships throughout their lives.


In today’s world, where entitlement often overshadows appreciation, parents should teach their child to have and show gratitude as one of the fundamental life lessons.

It’s crucial for children to understand that the world does not owe them anything; instead, they should value and appreciate the efforts and kindness of others. Whether it’s a simple act of kindness from a family member, a thoughtful gesture from a friend, or a gift from a neighbor, children need to learn to recognize and express their thanks.

Teaching gratitude helps them focus on what they have rather than fixating on what they lack or desire. This not only fosters a positive outlook but also builds stronger, more respectful relationships. For more insights on instilling this essential value, check out my detailed post on “How to Raise a Grateful Child.”

Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World-Really good book of how a family learned that saying “no” can be a great thing.


Empathy is an essential life lesson that parents should teach their child to help foster a kinder and more understanding world.

A child who can put themselves in the shoes of another person and empathize with their feelings is a kind and caring individual indeed.

By understanding that others are suffering and struggling, children learn that the world is not all about them, which can significantly reduce selfish behaviors and increase compassion. Furthermore, teaching empathy can be a powerful tool in combating bullying, as empathetic children are less likely to engage in or tolerate such behavior.

Ultimately, if parents prioritize teaching empathy, we can look forward to a future where kindness and understanding prevail, making the world a much better place to live.


Parents should teach their child the invaluable life lesson of compassion, as it goes beyond mere empathy and encompasses the desire to take action to aid others. Compassion involves not only understanding what others are experiencing but also stepping in to provide support and relief.

This quality is essential for fostering a sense of community and interconnectedness, enabling children to grow into adults who are willing to serve and assist those in need.

By instilling compassion, parents help their children become better friends and more caring individuals, contributing positively to the world around them. Teaching compassion equips children with the emotional tools they need to navigate life’s challenges with kindness and a genuine willingness to make a difference.

Kindness is my Superpower-This is a good read aloud book for children to learn how to be kind, empathetic and compassionate.

How to Listen

One of the critical life lessons parents should teach their child is the art of listening.

This essential skill is not only taught through direct instruction but also through consistent modeling and practice. When parents demonstrate active listening—putting away distractions and fully focusing on the speaker—they set a powerful example for their children.

Parents should teach their child to be an active listener.

Without this, kids may struggle to develop the ability to concentrate on what others are saying, which I frequently observe in the classroom. Many students are eager to voice their own thoughts but lack the patience to truly listen to their peers. As I often remind my students, “If you aren’t listening, you aren’t learning.”

Listening is fundamental, not just for gathering information, but also for fostering empathy and compassion. By teaching children to listen attentively, parents help them understand the value of other people’s perspectives, which is a cornerstone of forming meaningful and respectful relationships.

How to Listen with Intention-This is such a good book that helps the reader learn how to be a better listener and communicator. We have different listening styles, did you know that? I didn’t until this book.

How to Forgive

One of the most valuable life lessons that parents should teach their child is the art of forgiveness.

In a world where imperfection is the norm and everyone makes mistakes, learning to forgive is essential for emotional well-being and healthy relationships. The only perfect being to walk the earth was Jesus Christ; the rest of us inevitably mess up and, in the process, sometimes hurt others.

By modeling forgiveness, parents can instill this crucial value in their children. If children observe their parents holding grudges or treating others with contempt due to past hurts, they may learn to do the same.

However, it’s important to clarify that forgiveness does not mean tolerating repeated harm from the same person. Teaching children to maintain their boundaries while also understanding that most people do not intend to hurt them can create a balanced approach to forgiveness.

Ultimately, just as we wish to be forgiven for our missteps, we should teach our children to extend the same grace to others.

Admit Mistakes & Apologize

One of the life lessons parents should teach their child is the importance of admitting mistakes and apologizing. This skill goes hand in hand with the ability to forgive others, forming the foundation of strong, empathetic relationships.

Just as we would want someone who hurt us to apologize, we should extend the same courtesy when we are in the wrong.

It takes a strong person to acknowledge their missteps and an even bigger person to offer a sincere apology to those they have hurt. It is truly admirable to see both children and adults take responsibility for their actions. To admit our mistakes requires courage, and this is a trait we need to model for our children.

When parents openly admit their errors and apologize—whether to their children, spouse, or others outside the home—it not only demonstrates the importance of such actions but also provides a valuable example of how to do it gracefully. This teaches children that making mistakes is a part of life, but owning up to them and making amends is what truly defines our character.

Hard Work

Parents should teach their child the value of hard work, as it is one of the most crucial life lessons that can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling life. Instilling a robust work ethic in children helps them understand that dedication and effort are essential to achieving their goals, whether it’s excelling in school work, completing chores, or succeeding in future careers.

Parents should teach their child the value of hard work.

By witnessing their parents’ commitment to hard work and being encouraged to emulate it, children learn that perseverance often leads to rewarding opportunities.

Moreover, hard work not only brings tangible rewards but also builds character, fostering traits such as responsibility, resilience, and integrity. When parents emphasize the importance of hard work, they equip their children with the tools necessary to navigate life’s challenges and seize its opportunities.


Parents should teach their child manners as well. This is a pretty simple thing to instill in our children that can go a long way in showing kindness and respect. Simple phrases such as “Thank you,” “You’re welcome,” “Excuse me,” and “Please” can help show respect and earn respect in a world that often demands and expects others to give and do for them.

Teaching manners is not just about polite words; it’s about nurturing a sense of empathy and consideration for others. This life lesson is best taught through modeling and setting clear expectations. When children see their parents consistently practicing good manners, they are more likely to emulate those behaviors.

Moreover, reinforcing these habits in everyday situations helps them understand their importance and relevance in building meaningful relationships. Thus, parents should teach their child manners as a fundamental life skill that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners-A great read aloud to teach kids about manners


Responsibility is an essential character trait to help our children develop. Parents should make it a priority to teach their child how to be responsible. This life lesson will benefit them greatly throughout their life and lead to success.

In today’s world, we see a troubling trend of people shirking their responsibilities onto others—whether it’s not doing their job at work, leaving their children with grandparents to raise, or failing to complete tasks they start.

It’s crucial for children to start learning how to be responsible from a young age and to take on more responsibility as they grow. One effective way to instill this value is to expect it from them. Assigning chores is an excellent method to teach responsibility; it sets a clear expectation that they are contributing members of the household. Similarly, expecting them to complete their school work, finish what they start—be it a sports team or a school project—and follow through on their commitments, reinforces the importance of responsibility.

Parents should teach their child to be responsible.

If we constantly step in to finish tasks for them or let them quit every time things get tough, we send a message that they don’t need to be responsible because someone else will always pick up the slack.

How to Deal with Disappointment

Parents should teach their child how to deal with disappointment, as it is an essential life lesson that fosters resilience and growth.

Our world seems to have decided that we must shield children from all forms of disappointment or discomfort, but this approach does them a disservice. Disappointment and discomfort are inevitable parts of life, and if children are not taught to navigate these feelings when they are young, they will struggle to cope with them as adults. Hearing the word “no” is okay, and children should understand that they will not always get everything they want.

This concept is undermined by practices like giving participation trophies for minimal effort, which devalues the achievements of those who strive for excellence. Children need to learn that hard work and dedication are necessary to attain their goals, and simply showing up is not enough.

Experiencing disappointment can serve as a powerful motivator, encouraging them to put in more effort next time. It is human nature to resist change when we are comfortable, so encountering and overcoming disappointment is crucial for personal growth and development. Parents can help their children become stronger individuals by teaching them to embrace and learn from disappointments.

In my blog post, 7 Ways to Raise Independent Children, I talk more about teaching our children to deal with disappointment and how it can benefit them.

Embrace Learning New Things

As a teacher, I am a strong believer in the importance of lifelong learning. I constantly tell my students that I learn something new every day, and they should embrace learning because that’s what life is all about.

Parents should teach their child this invaluable life lesson as well. Embracing new knowledge and skills is essential for personal growth and success. When we stop learning, we stop growing, and this stagnation can hinder our ability to navigate life’s challenges effectively.

By teaching children to value and seek out new learning experiences, we help them become more capable and adaptable individuals. It’s important to recognize that learning often comes with struggle. As parents, we must allow our children to face difficulties and sometimes even fail. Though it can be painful to watch, these experiences build resilience, problem-solving abilities, and confidence.

By fostering an environment where learning is celebrated, even in the face of setbacks, we are equipping our children with the tools they need for lifelong success.


In conclusion, the life lessons that parents should teach their child are invaluable foundations for a fulfilling and well-rounded life.

By instilling virtues such as respect, honesty, and effective communication, parents help their children navigate complex social landscapes with integrity and confidence.

Teaching responsibility and compassion encourages young minds to contribute positively to society, while empathy and good manners foster meaningful relationships.

The importance of patience, gratitude, and the ability to forgive cannot be overstated, as these qualities build resilience and emotional intelligence.

Moreover, understanding the value of hard work, learning to handle disappointment, and embracing the pursuit of knowledge are crucial skills that prepare children for the many challenges life presents.

Ultimately, these lessons are not just stepping stones to personal success but are also vital in shaping a compassionate and conscientious future generation.

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Parenting Resources

Raising Good Humans-A really good book for parents to learn how to deal with our own emotions so that instead of always reacting to upsetting situations we can learn to respond thoughtfully. Remember a lot of what our children learn is through our example!

Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids– One of the best books on how to have positive, communication and respect with family.

Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World-Really good book of how a family learned that saying “no” can be a great thing.

Do Unto Otters: A Book About Manners-A great read aloud to teach kids about manners.

How to Listen with Intention-This is such a good book that helps the reader learn how to be a better listener and communicator. We have different listening styles, did you know that? I didn’t until this book.

Kindness is my Superpower-This is a good read aloud book for children to learn how to be kind, empathetic and compassionate.

Honesty is my Superpower-A good read aloud for children to learn how to be more honest.